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Data governance and metadata management are often misunderstood concepts in the business world. In this article, Gary Allemann, MD at Master Data Management, dispels some of the most common myths surrounding these topics and explains why they are important for organisations of all sizes. There are many misconceptions surrounding data...
With humans, businesses and machines generating billions of data points every day, ‘big data’ is not a buzzword anymore but an immense opportunity for the continent. Premlin Pillay, Group Executive of Strategy and Analytics at Mettus, a technology and data company, says with data sitting at the centre of...
Streamlining inventory management is a critical aspect of running any business. Having the right business management software can make this process easier and more efficient, enabling you to manage your inventory quickly and effectively. This article will discuss the importance of streamlining inventory management with the right Small business...
The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to revolutionize the way we live, work, and interact with our surroundings. From smart homes that can anticipate our needs and adjust to our preferences, to smart cities that can optimize resource usage and improve the quality of life for citizens,...
With the rapid growth of digital transformation in the continent, data centers play a pivotal role in ensuring that data is safely stored and made accessible for users Africa is rapidly emerging as a major player in the global data center market, with a number of countries investing heavily in...
Analytics today is the golden thread that runs through multiple market segments, be it CPG (Consumer Packaged Good), Mining Minerals and Metals (MMM) and so forth. It provides immense value on an executive and plant level, bridging challenges that come with siloed information, it benefits the value chain from...
New Capabilities, Including Team Pipelines, Toppings, and Developer Center, go Beyond Sales to Manage all Types of Customer Operations for Small Businesses Zoho Corporation, a leading global technology company, is today unveiling the latest version of Bigin, the company's CRM solution for small businesses.  As the preferred CRM solution for...
Africa’s push for food sovereignty and resilience depends on investments and partnerships, African Development Bank Group president Akinwumi Adesina said on Thursday at the Dakar 2 Food Summit a food summit in Senegal. Speaking during a panel discussion on Building Multilateral partnership and financing support, Dr Adesina outlined how the bank...
Now more than ever, businesses are looking to cut down on costs while optimising their cloud usage. However, the cloud is not a one-size-fits-all solution for all applications, and cloud costs are determined by each business’s unique needs. Hybrid cloud will dominate as companies continue to optimise infrastructure costs Ongoing cost...
One of the most valuable contributions that data and data analytics have made to modern businesses is the ability that they offer to understand customers, engage meaningfully with them, and offer them the type of positive experience that keeps them coming back for more. But for all the value that...
The CIO role has undergone a seismic shift. No longer relegated to just “keeping the lights on”, today’s CIO is now synonymous with “key decision maker”, in charge of many parts of the business, wielding massive influence within the C-suite and boards. As glorious as that sounds, the reality often...
Predictions for enterprise resource planning (ERP) over the next few years have referenced artificial intelligence (AI), usability, process automation, and others. Technology will advance in these areas, but many companies still have an outdated perception of ERP and how it can help their business. Thankfully, the perception of ERP,...
Open source is by no means a new technology, but it has matured over the past 30 plus years and with the latest wave of digital transformation, its role has become increasingly prominent. In the everyday business sense, it is still a cost-effective option for operating systems, databases, and...
Unifies Human-Driven and Bot-Powered Customer Service Capabilities for Exceptional Omnichannel Support and Better Informed Agent Interactions Zoho Corporation, a leading global technology company, today launched new tools for Zoho Desk, the anchor application in the company's customer service platform, to help customer service teams evolve with the changing needs of...
Zoho Corp., the global technology company, announced today that it will be opening a new office in Johannesburg to accommodate its growing employee base in the country and cater to its customers. The company has seen the net new customer growth of 75% in South Africa in 2021, and...
On November 16, xFusion hosted the South African Partner Summit in Johannesburg under the theme of "Together for a Better Future,” bringing South African partners together for in-depth analysis and discussion on how to create new industry value. Around 90 representatives of leading partner organizations attended the event to...

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